If you were paying attention to popular music in the 90s, then you've heard Blessid Union of Souls, famous for "I Believe" (and for dressing like the 90s?). Their vocalist, Eliot Sloan, came to Brownsburg High School last night to perform Hear to Heal, a program he started to give high school students a voice to overcome all the mess that high school life is. In each high school, Sloan provides students some base music, and the students add onto it themselves, contributing direction, production, choreography, and some additional songs. Sloan's executive producer, Brian Halsey, told me before the show that six of the songs for the night's show were written straight from conversations Sloan had with the students.
Brownsburg High School students rehearse a song for the Hear to Heal concert at the Brownsburg High School Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012. Sloan's friend Brian Halsey, who Sloan called an executive producer, said the Hear to Heal project is a way for high school students to find their own voices. Only the basic music stays the same for each performance; the rest of the production, he said, is up to the students. "This is my idea, but I want you to run with it and make it your own," Halsey said. (Alex Farris | For The Star)
Alex Farris
Brownsburg High School students rehearse a song for the Hear to Heal concert at the Brownsburg High School Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012. (Alex Farris | For The Star)
Alex Farris
Blessid Union of Souls vocalist Eliot Sloan sings during the Hear to Heal concert at the Brownsburg High School Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012. (Alex Farris | For The Star)
Alex Farris
Blessid Union of Souls vocalist Eliot Sloan sings in front of Brownsburg High School students during the Hear to Heal concert at the Brownsburg High School Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012. (Alex Farris | For The Star)
Alex Farris
Blessid Union of Souls vocalist Eliot Sloan sings with Brownsburg High School students during the Hear to Heal concert at the Brownsburg High School Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012. (Alex Farris | For The Star)
Alex Farris
A Brownsburg High School student looks on from backstage during the Hear to Heal concert at the Brownsburg High School Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012. (Alex Farris | For The Star)
Alex Farris
Blessid Union of Souls vocalist Eliot Sloan sings during the Hear to Heal concert at the Brownsburg High School Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012. (Alex Farris | For The Star)
Alex Farris
Blessid Union of Souls vocalist Eliot Sloan sings with Brownsburg High School students during the Hear to Heal concert at the Brownsburg High School Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012. (Alex Farris | For The Star)
Alex Farris
It seems to me like a pretty cool idea, especially given what everyone knows about high school. Sloan said it's coming to Pike High School on Nov. 16 and 17, and will be at Ben Davis High School in the spring. As for now, the full gallery of photos appears at The Indianapolis Star. And enjoy some more 90s flashback.

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