True Indiana Pacemates dance to "Gangnam Style" by Psy during Social's International Final Fridays, featuring DJs Rican, Danger and Indiana Jones, Downtown, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012. (Alex Farris / For The Star) Alex Farris
International Final Fridays at Social | Alex Farris Photo Blog
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For my second straight night of photo assignment (and my eighth day with an assignment in less than a month!), I went to Social, a bar on a street I never knew existed Downtown, for the last International Final Fridays gig of the year. It was snowing, adding to the seven or so inches Indy had received since Wednesday, so I didn't expect a lot of people. I was more than correct, as I had to be very patient in order to get photos of anybody dancing.

But dance they did, and included in that dancing were some Indiana Pacemates. Getting a photo of them dancing to "Gangnam Style" made the wait worth it. For pictures of the other people who eventually made it to Social, check out the Star's 15-photo gallery.

It's almost the end of the year! Tomorrow, I'll celebrate with a sum-up post looking back at the vast expanse that is 2012.

Indiana Pacemates dance to "Gangnam Style" by Psy during Social's International Final Fridays, featuring DJs Rican, Danger and Indiana Jones, Downtown, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012. (Alex Farris / For The Star)
Indiana Pacemates dance to "Gangnam Style" by Psy during Social's International Final Fridays, featuring DJs Rican, Danger and Indiana Jones, Downtown, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012. (Alex Farris / For The Star)
Alex Farris
THINGS WE SAID TODAY Indianapolis | The Indianapolis Star | Music
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