A harpist, an orchestra conductor, and a bee!
In a flashback to an entry from four years ago, I took photos of an insect. This time, it was a bee, and because bees buzz, I was only able to get one relatively okay photo that wasn't too motion-blurry. So, there's that.
Tonight (just like the previous entry, this one is really posted on May 5, but I can change dates because I built this website and can control things like that), I'm covering the Republican primary for mayor of Carmel for the Star. It's my first assignment for the paper since March, and it's rather exciting.
More referred business! Andrew Lyon (right) conducted the Columbus (Ind.) Symphony Orchestra on April 26, and the night before, he called me saying his original photographer was unable to cover his concert. I obliged, and thus covered my first orchestra concert since my IDS days.
High school basketball, Boys and Girls Club, and new kite photos!
Despite what the timestamp above says, this post was really written and uploaded on May 5. I've gotten a bit behind, but no worries. At least these photos got uploaded eventually.
Not shown in these photos: my ecstatic reaction when I got a letter in the mail on March 16 accepting me into the IU School of Medicine. Believe me, I was pleased!
Brownsburg High School players huddle before the Richmond boys' basketball team's 71-65 victory over Brownsburg for the Southport Regional title at Southport High School, Saturday, March 14, 2015.
Kite aerial photography at the Indianapolis Museum of Art
On Monday, I was accepted into the IU School of Medicine. Today, I was paid to fly a kite. Truly, we live in interesting times.
While I was in Guatemala, I got an email from an intern at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The museum was planning its annual spring equinox event, with this year's event themed, "Go Fly a Kite." The intern went looking for kite aerial photographers in the area to take pictures of the event from above, and the intern found my site. I agreed to take the photos (because, a la Ghostbuster Winston Zeddemore, when someone wants to pay you to fly a kite, you say YES!), and I also agreed to be the interesting person that other organizations, like Sky Blue Window, could talk to before the event.
...If you haven't clicked through to the Sky Blue Window story, please do so, if only to learn how happy I, as a Beatles fan, became when I read it.
I took more than 2000 photos using the IMA's GoPro, which was much better than mine and also could send photos to a display screen on the ground. It was a fun day, and I would love to do it again.